Monday, May 11, 2015

I use to be a "Traditional Business Owner"

I owned 3 retail stores and 2 gyms.  I always wanted to be a business owner.  The hours were long and the debt, risk and stress was even worse.  5 years ago I was introduced to network marketing and have never looked back.  If you are an entrepreneur and hard working, network marketing is for you!  Here is what I have learned about the mentality of those looking at it as a business.  If person starts a traditional business, they expect to break even in their first few years and possibly pay back their initial investment in the first five years. Most traditional small businesses fail within their first 2-3 years. In Network marketing, people expect to get their money back in the first month, make a profit in the second and get rich by the third month. When it doesn’t happen, they blame network marketing. 
The 1/3/5/7 Formula from Eric Worre – As a general rule, it will take you about one year to become competent and profitable in Network Marketing. You will know the basics, you’ll cover expenses and you’ll be learning. It will take about three years of consistent part time effort in order to go full time. It will take about five years of consistent effort to become a six figure earner or above. And it will take about seven years of consistent effort to become an expert.  Be prepared to put in the work, WITHOUT the risk, and it can be a GREAT business!

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